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Hospitalist Service

  • 12-hour physician shifts 
  • Average Daily Encounters: 55


  • 240-bed hospital
  • Full complement of subspecialties
  • Ranked by Solucient in the 100 Top Hospitals
  • Has served the community for 60+ years 


This family orientated community of 300,000 is just 30 minutes North of Salt Lake City and its world-class culture including, but not limited to, theater, symphony, ballet and professional sports. Ogden is a beautiful geographic area nestled up to the Wasatch Mountain Range just 15 minutes from ski resorts.  Regularly recognized as a great place to live and work, the Salt Lake City/Ogden area was ranked as the best place to live in North America in the sixth edition of Places Rated Almanac; Entrepreneur magazine named the Salt Lake/Ogden area as the second-best large city in which to locate a business.  Financial World rated Utah as the best fiscally-managed state in the nation; Western Blue Chip Economic Forecast and American Demographics magazine refer to Utah as one of the top three economies in the nation; Newswatch has cited Salt Lake City as the number one city with the best environment for business; Adweek magazine identified the city as poised to become a city of the future; and Morgan Quinto Press named Utah as the fourth most livable state.

Other USACS services at this location


  • W-2 and 1099 employment options available


As a hospitalist within USACS, you'll be part of a team unique in today's industry. USACS provides physicians with ownership, unparalleled benefits and the opportunity to practice within a evidence-based model emphasizing quality, long-term wealth building and a culture of shared ownership. USACS physicians enjoy the security and resources of a large, national group without sacrificing the advantages typically found in local groups.


Talk to a recruiter about positions staffed by USACS. Let our experienced team lead you through the career maze of competitive salaries, signing bonuses, retirement plans, insurance and medical malpractice coverage.

If you’re a patient, please click here to pay your bill or connect with a member of our patient services team.


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