Let's talk. We believe in keeping the lines of communication open and are interested in what you have to say. Simply let us know who you are by clicking the corresponding tab below. Fill in form and click on the red "submit" button.
Patient Billing: (855) 687-0618
All Other Inquiries: (800) 828-0898
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How can we serve you today?
Patient billing question? Chat with us.
Visit USACSbill.com
Phone: (855) 687-0618
Fax: (330) 492-8489
4535 Dressler Road NW,
Canton, OH 44718
Looking for the perfect career?
Talk to a recruiter about positions staffed by USACS. Let our experienced team lead you through the career maze of competitive salaries, signing bonuses, retirement plans, insurance, and medical malpractice coverage.
If you're seeking employment verification, check out the Employment Verification Information page.
Ready to elevate your hospital system?
4535 Dressler Road NW,
Canton, OH 44718
Phone: (800) 828-0898
Fax: (330) 493-8677