Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center

- 275-bed acute care hospital is part of the Adventist HealthCare System
- Medical staff of over 1,000 physicians
- Construction is underway for a new state-of-the-art Emergency Department, ICU, and Cath Lab Suite (estimated to open in 2026)
Located just 22 miles north of Washington, D.C., Rockville’s wealth of restaurants, parks, galleries, museums, theaters and historic sites make it a very popular location for families, businesses and young professionals alike. Montgomery County is consistently rated highly among the nation’s public-school systems. Rockville residents enjoy the lifestyle of a close-knit community lifestyle with easy access to the amenities of Washington, D.C.
Emergency Department
- ED Volume: 44,000
- ED Beds: 36
- Staffing Model:
- 40 hours of physician coverage
- 35 hours of APP coverage
- EMR: Cerner Dynamic Documentation
- CT Scanner and X-ray suite dedicated to ED patients
- Stroke, STEMI, and Thrombectomy Center
- 24-hour radiology reads and ultrasound
Hospitalist Service
- Average Daily Encounters: 197
- 26 Physician/APP provider hospitalist team
- Dedicated Nocturnist
- 24-hr Intensivists onsite presence
- The team is supported by IAC RN to facilitate operations
- Block scheduling
- Team approach model with Hospitalist, Critical Care and Emergency Department under one IAC Director
Palliative Care
- PC Volume: 1,000
- Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care Consultation service
- Full-time Hospice and Palliative Medicine board-certified physician
- Full-time Palliative Social Worker dedicated to psychosocial and emotional support to patients and families
- Part-time Palliative Care Chaplain for spiritual support to patients and families
Observation Unit
- OBS Volume: 8,000
- OBS Beds: 18 (exclusively for emergency medicine patients)
- Average patient length of stay <20 hours
- National observation program support and oversight
Pediatric Emergency Department
- PED Volume: 16,000
- The Pediatric ED is supported by pediatric medical and surgical specialist including surgeons, radiologists, and anesthesiologists
Critical Care
- Details coming soon
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