Seton Medical Center Hays is the largest medical campus in Hays County, serving a fast-growing region that includes Kyle, Buda, far south Austin, and surrounding areas.
- 112 beds
- Newer, state-of-the-art facility designed to grow to nearly 300 beds
- On-site support for all major specialties
- Level II Trauma Center
- Certified Stroke, Chest Pain, and SEMI Center
- Cardiac care services (including open heart surgery and a 24/7 cardiac catheterization lab)
Located just a few miles south of Austin, the small but growing cities of Kyle and Buda are attracting many families. Just to the south, San Marcos is home to Texas State University; popular San Antonio also is just an hour away.
Emergency Department
- Trauma Designation: Level II
- ED Volume: 53,000
- ED Beds: 30
- ED Admission Rate: 17%
- Staffing Model:
- 8-9 hour physician shifts with 48-51 hours of coverage
- APP coverage of 22-32 hours per day
- EMR: Cerner
- Patients/Hour: 2.0
- Certified Stroke, Chest Pain, and SEMI Center
- Certified pediatric readiness
- Qualifications: BC/BP in Emergency Medicine
Critical Care
- ICU Volume: 11000
- ICU Beds: 32
- EMR: Cerner
- Medical, surgical, trauma, neurosurgery, primary stroke center, heart program
- 24-hour advanced nurse practitioners capable of performing all ICU procedures
- Excellent teamwork with USACS ED colleagues in the same facility
- State-of-the-art ICU fully equipped with all devices needed for procedures including dedicated ultrasound machine, glidescope with a bronchoscope, vigeleo, artic sun, etc.
Observation Unit
- OBS Volume: 1,000
Hospitalist Service
- Average Daily Encounters: 149
- 8 physicians / APP daily hospitalist team
- Dedicated nocturnist
- 7 on / 7 off schedule
- 12 Hour APP shifts
- Semi-closed ICU
Emergency Medicine APP Lead (Physician Assistant / Nurse Practitioner)
Hospitalist APP (Physician Assistant / Nurse Practitioner) Part-Time/PRN
Hospitalist APP (Physician Assistant / Nurse Practitioner)
Hospitalist Physician
Emergency Medicine Physician
Emergency Medicine APP (Physician Assistant / Nurse Practitioner)
Talk to a recruiter about positions staffed by USACS. Let our experienced team lead you through the career maze of competitive salaries, signing bonuses, retirement plans, insurance and medical malpractice coverage.