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UH TriPoint Medical Center



  • Newer, state-of-the-art, 112-bed hospital with the latest technology incorporated in every function of the facility’s broad range of services
  • Labor and delivery with NICU


Concord Township is 29 miles east of Cleveland and is proximate to desirable suburban communities including Mentor and Shaker Heights. Along with excellent school systems and highly appealing residential options, there are numerous recreational amenities.  The shore of Lake Erie provides for water sports, and a comprehensive park system hosts trails, concerts, and festivals. The metropolitan amenities of Cleveland include world-class dining and shopping, professional sports, and theater. The Cleveland Hopkins International Airport is easily accessible.

Emergency Department

  • ED Volume: 27,000
  • ED Beds: 22 (private treatment rooms)
    • 2 dedicated psychiatric rooms
  • ED Admission Rate: 20%
  • EMR: Epic with Dragon dictation
  • Dedicated Thru Care Area provides efficient triage and treatment
  • Community-type pathology mix with moderate acuity
  • Certified STEMI/Chest Pain and Stroke Center
  • In-house Labor and Delivery with NICU


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