AdventHealth Avista

AdventHealth Avista offers comprehensive medical, emergency, and Level III trauma care for the entire family. Originally opening in 1895 as the Boulder Sanitarium, the hospital grew with the community and reopened as the hospital it is known as today in 1990 in the city of Louisville. AdventHealth Avista is a leading provider of maternity service in the region and is home to one of the area’s largest Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Units which is equipped with a Level II NICU ICU. Other distinctive services include Emergency & Critical Care, Spine, Orthopedics, GI, Heart & Vascular, and Women’s Care. AdventHealth Avista has most notably been awarded with a CMS 5-Star designation for quality care and the Leapfrog Top Hospital Award for Quality and Safety among several other accreditations and accolades.
The City of Louisville has often been recognized for its livability. Most recently, Money Magazine named Louisville #1 in 2009, and then in an unprecedented action again named Louisville #1 in its 2011 “Best Place to Live” issue. Many things contribute to this exemplary quality of life and positive economic condition including 1,700 acres of open space, dozens of great eateries, a thriving arts scene, great schools, wonderful neighborhoods and a diverse mix of employment opportunities. As the Money article noted, “Add in dry, clear weather, little crime, good health care, and low taxes.” City of Louisville, Colorado, incorporated in 1882, lies in Boulder County roughly six miles east of the City of Boulder and 25 miles northwest of Denver.
Emergency Department
- Trauma Designation: Level III
- ED Volume: 10,000
- ED beds: 14
- ED Admission Rate: 19%
- EMR: Epic
- Imaging services include X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional Radiology
- Bedside ultrasound
- ED point-of-care testing
- Documentation system using voice-activated templates and voice recognition software
- Emergency physicians do not write admitting orders
- Excellent nursing staff
- 24/7 Cath Lab, IR, MRI capabilities
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